Saturday, October 23, 2010

JSP variable in the scope of the specification

JavaServer Pages (JSP) and JSP Standard Tag Library specification (JSTL) to Web developers to provide many useful tags (also known as operations). In addition, JSP 2.0 also provides two API, which is the standard API and simple tags tags API, used to build custom tags / operation. Inherited from the previous API JSP 1.x, and due to historical reasons, the use by the JSTL. (Due to the development of JSTL 1.0 in JSP 2.0 before, so the new API does not include JSTL 1.1.) Moreover, JSTL does not use JSP fragment and dynamic properties of the new features such as JSP. This article uses the JSP 2.0 API and features of the new build custom tag extensions JSTL. This article provides an overview of API and demonstrates how to develop

鈼?Export variable tag

鈼?conditions of tags

鈼?iteration mark

鈼?dynamic properties of the tag

鈼?Coordination tag

Simple tag API Overview

In JSP pages using custom tags, the application server JSP container will convert the call ... as tag processing methods like Java code. Therefore, if you want to develop custom tag, you must provide a tag handler, such standards must be marked using JSP 1.x API or the JSP 2.0 simple tag API. Compare these two API, will find the new API easier to use. Only a simple tag API Interface (javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTag), which defines the method of dealing with custom tags. Usually from the JSP container automatically generated from the JSP page in the Java Servlet to call these methods.

javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport class implements SimpleTag interface, so when the mark when dealing with only the preparation of an Extended SimpleTagSupport doTag () method can be. The following steps describe how to develop a simple tag handler class:

Step 1: Design custom tag

First, you must choose a name tag and set its properties. Then, create a tag library descriptor (TLD) file (using the JSP specification defines the XML format) to inform the JSP container how to handle and verify the custom tag. Text provides a sample TLD file called util.tld.

Step 2: Create tag handling class

Must provide an interface for achieve SimpleTag Java classes. The easiest way is to extend SimpleTagSupport or one of its subclasses. In this article VarTagSupport, IfTag and WhileTag class for extending SimpleTagSupport. Examples of other tag handler extension VarTagSupport.

If you want to use is not specified in the TLD file attributes, then the tag handler must implement the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface (such as "dynamic attributes of the tag" section describes the MapTag example below).

Step 3: Initialize tag handle class instance

Each tag handling class must contain a public no arguments constructor for placing the initialization code. In this article address some of the tag type (EvalTag, ListTag and MapTag) contains a public constructor without parameters, it uses the default values instance variables initialized. Other (IfTag, WhileTag and ItemTag) no constructor. Please note, Java compiler in the class does not contain any constructors to automatically generate a public constructor without parameters, this function does not do anything.

Step 4: Method of providing property

JSP page tag attribute values through the setAttribute () method is passed to the tag handler. For example, this article includes four tag attributes: var, scope, expr and type. EvalTag handling class implements setExpr () and setType () method, inherited from the VarTagSupport setVar () and setScope ().

Dynamic properties of interfaces defined by DynamicAttributes setDynamicAttribute () method of delivery.

Step 5: Implement doTag () method

The method used to implement custom tag logic. doTag () method by the JSP container, after following all the property set method call. Here you can use getJspContext () to get a javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext object to access the JSP environment. Can call getJspBody (), which returns javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspFragment instance, the instance that is located in the main body and between the JSP. If you work together to develop the tags, such as and (the last part of this article will be introducing its), you can also use the getParent () and findAncestorWithClass () method.

Step 6: Test the custom tag

JSP pages using custom tags to use the tag directive to import the tag library. When the custom tag in JSP page, when, JSP container generates the class instance to create tag handling, call the property method and call doTag () method code. Therefore, the use of JSP custom tag implementation of the page call tag will handle class methods.

Limitations and workarounds

To simplify the tag processing API, JSP 2.0 adopted a limit: If the custom tag processing class is based on the simple tag API, then the page author and shall not be used between the JSP 1.x statement (), JSP 1.x expression ( ) and scriptlet (). In most cases, you can Java code in JSP page to move to tag handling class, or in JSP 2.0 Expression (${...})( can use the custom tag's body) to use JSTL. Please note, JSP 2.0 allows you to standards-based API for custom tag to use the body tag scriptlet. However, because the script does not use JSP pages easier to maintain, it is best to avoid the use of Java in the Web page code.

My previous Oracle Technology Network (OTN) article, "Using JSP 2.0 EL API" describes a simple tag API, and provides another limit workaround. JspContext class is not available on the JSP implicit objects (such as application, session, request and response) of the visit. Most application servers (including Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 10g) allows to convert the JSP PageContext context

Tag handler does not apply to the use println () statement generates a large number of reusable HTML code. JSP 2.0 this work provides a better way. JSP tag files to use the so-called by the JSP container syntax is automatically converted to a simple tag on the tag handler API. Another one of my OTN article "Creating JSP 2.0 tag files", introduced new features to this JSP.

Export variable tag

Many JSTL tags to achieve a logical and export JSP variable to report the results. For example, contains a var attribute must specify the SQL result set to save the JSP variable name. var property on the other JSTL tags (such as and) is optional. If the var attribute does not exist, then these tags will output their results. Var properties all contain the tags also contain a scope attribute that can be used to indicate the following JSP variable scope: page, request, session or application.

VarTagSupport class (which is an example of this development) Extension SimpleTagSupport var and scope attributes for the provision of setting method. VarTagSupport contains export JSP variables, access to the main content and practical method of output, rather than to achieve doTag () method. These methods from the sub-class VarTagSupport doTag () to use. This article includes four tag for the expansion VarTagSupport handling class (EvalTag, MapTag, ListTag and ItemTag).

Please note, JSP variable in JSTL specification called the scope of variables in the JSP specification, called the scope of named variables or attributes. These variables JspContext class by setAttribute () method to create / export. You can use the JSP page $ (varName), and the use of Java code JspContext the getAttribute () or findAttribute () method to obtain their values. Do not confuse the JSP tag variables and attributes.


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Dell is holding a 10 billion U.S. dollars in cash ready to deal

October 23, according to foreign media reports, Dell CEO Michael Dell (Michael Dell) Wednesday said it would use cash on hand for acquisitions.

Michael said the slowdown in demand as customers, Dell will re-adjust their business to enhance market competitiveness. At the same time, Dell will make use of their cash to make acquisitions and invest in infrastructure. According to Michael disclosed that Dell now has 100 million in cash and investments.

In addition, Michael also said the 8,900 job cuts previously announced plan has been completed. Dell in August announced the completion of 8,500 job cuts. Dell is currently no new layoff plans.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

PS7.0 landscape plan to add a rain effect

2. Light rain pattering

In fact, the operation to achieve the pattering rain and snow in the process to achieve essentially the same, but the details of the changes in the middle or a little before the "snow" to "Rain."

Effect diagram is as follows:

1. We just open the photograph of landscape material map, also the implementation of copy "layer copy" of the operation, such a simple question Needless to say instead.

2. Sure to select the "Background copy" layer, then the same ibid case of the implementation of "filter - pixel of - dot" of filter operation, a "dot" of the dialog box shown in Figure 9, the unit fill cell size 3, this value determines the size of raindrops.

Figure 9

Figure 10 (after the dot of the image filter effects)

3. Now we get the results in Figure 10 there is still a point as the snow flakes were the following, we not only want to slice into granules, but also the color of them removed. Implementation of the "Image - Adjustment - Threshold" operation, open the "threshold" dialog box will set the maximum threshold value of 255 Levels, Figure 11:

Figure 11

Figure 12 (after the implementation of the image threshold operation results)


4. In the "Layers" panel will be "layer copy of the" mixed layer layer mode set to "color filter" copy layer "rain" effect into the background layer up, the effect shown in Figure 13:

Figure 13

5. Like rain and snow have dynamic characteristics, we implement "filter - Fuzzy - Motion Blur" in the "Motion Blur" box will be set from 18, the angle set to 75 degrees, shown in Figure 14. Thus, our results basically completed the rain, the effect shown in Figure 15.

Figure 14

Figure 15

6. But careful friend must have found that rain does not seem so vague it! Now we let the rain clear up, click on "Filter - Sharpen-USM sharpening" appears "USM Sharpening" box, adjust the "quantity" block plan to adjust the size of the extent of the rain. In this case the specific settings to Figure 16.

Figure 16

7. Thus, our results also rained out, the final results shown in Figure 17:

Figure 17

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

C mixed programming with scripting

Write programs in linux, do network of people, more or less of several scripts.鑴氭湰璇█鐏垫椿鐨勫彉閲忕被鍨嬨?寮哄ぇ鐨勬鍒欒〃杈惧紡澶勭悊鑳藉姏锛屽啀鍔犱笂linux绯荤粺鏈韩鐨勭閬撱?閲嶅畾鍚戜互鍙婁赴瀵岀殑鍛戒护琛屽伐鍏凤紝璁╀綘缂栫▼璧锋潵娓稿垉鏈変綑銆?br />
The C language does have many advantages, but it is undeniable that many occasions, more convenient to use scripting language, such as we will illustrate the handling of the configuration file.

Take a look at our sample program tasks:

Suppose we have a program written with c, it has a configuration file user.conf, save some user information, user.conf defined as follows:

1) to comment line # at the beginning of the act, not treated

2) to allow blank lines

3), if not 1 and 2, it is valid data in the following form

# User.conf: configure file for user
銆??# username age backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp country
tom 20 male us
銆??chen 22 female cn
Each column is divided into four fields, between fields with one or more blank characters (spaces or tabs) separate the field followed by the name, age, gender, national

Our c procedures to be completed on user.conf the add, delete, edit, query

Such a simple task, together with c processing is not complicated, but also to spend something about, and if the scripting language used to do, very simply, can call the script in the c done it?

銆??Awk鏄痩inux涓婁竴绉嶈剼鏈瑷?紝瀹冪殑闀垮鍦ㄤ簬澶勭悊鏈変竴瀹氭牸寮忚鍒欑殑鏂囦欢锛屼緥濡傚挶浠殑user.conf銆?Information on awk, many, oreilly company out of a special awk programming books, the Internet also can be downloaded. You can also look directly man awk.

Let's see how combine with the shell awk to accomplish these tasks:

1) Add a record

銆??渚嬪锛岃娣诲姞 jack 18 male us 杩欐牱涓?潯璁板綍锛屽彲浠ョ畝鍗曠殑鐢ㄩ噸瀹氬悜鍔熻兘

Echo Ce "jack 18 male us">> user.conf

2) Delete a record

For example, the information you want to delete the user chen

cat user.conf awk '! / ^ chen: blank: + / print'> tmp.conf; mvCftmp.conf user.conf
3), editing a record


Through the system () this function, we can call the above script in c to complete the task.

However, system () still feel uncomfortable with them, the lack of it is only for scripting, but can not get the script output data, which is usually our source of data for further processing. (In the shell and perl, you can by anti-quotation marks (``) to get the command output). One solution is to redirect output to a temporary file, then read the file in the c, to obtain data, and finally of course, delete this file. However, this method always make people feel a little uncomfortable, if the output directly to the script execution in the data input to our buffer to the better.

I wrote a small function, called my_system (), through pipes and redirection, to achieve the above ideas.鍑芥暟鍘熷瀷濡備笅锛?br />
銆??int my_system(const char* pCmd, char* pResult, int size)锛?br />Output data is saved to the buffer pointed to by pResult, the buffer size for the size, can save up to size-1 data.

Functions to achieve the final article on

With this function after calling the script in the c more convenient, we can use it to achieve user.conf inquiries.

4), query a record

銆??渚嬪锛屾垜浠鑾峰彇 tom 鐨勬?鍒?br />
銆??鍙互鐢ㄨ剼鏈繖鏍锋潵瀹炵幇锛?br />
銆??cat user.conf awk 鈥?^tom:blank:+/ print $3鈥?br />銆??鑴氭湰鐨勬墽琛岀粨鏋滄槸 tom鐨勬?鍒?male琚緭鍑哄埌灞忓箷涓?br />
銆??鍦ㄦ垜浠殑 c绋嬪簭涓紝濡傛璋冪敤 my_system()锛?br />
char buf101;
銆??my_system(鈥渃at user.conf awk 鈥?^tom:blank:+/ print $3鈥欌?,buf,101);
After the call finished, buf the data is the "male" a, how, pretty easy right?

銆??浠ヤ笂鍙槸鐢ㄧ粨鍚堣剼鏈畬鎴愪簡涓?釜姣旇緝绠?崟鐨勪换鍔★紝鎵?互鎴戞病鏈夋妸杩欎簺鑴氭湰鍗曠嫭褰㈡垚鑴氭湰鏂囦欢銆?If you are good at using perl, shell, awk, you can write a more powerful script file to handle more complex problems, then a similar my_system () method, in c / c + + and other languages to obtain the script output to achieve interesting "hybrid programming."

I hope you can have fun!

# Include
# Include
# Include
# Include
# Include
銆??static int my_system(const char* pCmd, char* pResult,intsize)
銆??int fd2;
int pid;
int count;
int center;
char * p = 0;
int maxlen = size C 1;
memset (pResult, 0, size);
printf (pipe error \ n);
return C1;
/ / Chile process
int fd22;
printf (pipe2 error \ n);
return C1;
close (1);
dup2 (fd21, 1);
close (fd0);
close (fd21);
read (fd20, pResult, maxlen);
pResultstrlen (pResult) -1 = 0;
write (fd1, pResult, strlen (pResult));
close (fd20);
exit (0);
/ / Parent process
close (fd1);
p = pResult;
center = maxlen;
銆??while((count = read(fd0, p, center)))
p + = count;
center -= count;
close (fd0);
return 0;
int main (void)
char result1025;
my_system (/ sbin / ifconfig, result, 1025);
printf (the result is \ n \ n% s \ n, result);
return 0;



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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Job 10 kinds of unhealthy attitude towards students

Shyness. Lost in the written submissions and run job site, facing recruiters stammer, blush, such a person is naturally uncomfortable employer appreciated.

Career psychology. "Learning and the Official Career," an official is the only proper that, Qiaojiannaodai to "Yamen" drill, did not realize that these places are the relationship between strength and Competition, well very people who can enter, and the results are mostly ending up first broken blood flow.

Mental comparisons. Some students say "level", during which I feel results in the campus than you, honor more than you, "official" than you, of course, work should be better than you. But I do not know the employer does not judge talent as the sole criterion, the keen rivalry of the "outstanding student" can only in the "standing above the crowd" to appreciate the lonely days and lonely.

Psychotherapy. Some students lack of independence, go out to see the Federation Ella parents, classmates and companions, or a buddy to help co-applicants the same unit by fixing the future take care of each other, this non-assertive and enterprising graduates will be the employer abandoned.

Psychological dependence. They do not hurry to find work, which climbed all day thinking about the relationship between relatives and friends, get some money to buy a job, so I am afraid that difficult to do long posts bought.

Local mental.杩欎簺澶у鐢熶笉鎰垮嚭杩滈棬锛屽彧鎰垮湪鐪煎墠鐨勨?涓?憨涓夊垎鍦扳?閲屽氨涓氾紝鍙︿竴浜涗汉鍒欐棭鏃╃櫥涓婄埍鎯呮柟鑸燂紝姣曚笟鍚庝负涓庡彟涓?崐鐣欏畧鍚屼竴鎴樺鑰屾瀹堜竴鏂癸紝杩欐牱鐨勪汉榧犵洰瀵稿厜锛岄毦鏈変綔涓恒?

Conservative psychology. Lack of sense of competition, not the challenge, or holding modesty "virtue" without letting go, afraid to reveal their own strengths and characteristics of the tiger air, loyalty are not, such people are not naturally favored employers.

Low on the psychological.涓庝繚瀹堝績鐞嗙浉鍙嶏紝杩欎簺浜烘?瑙夊緱绔炰簤婵?儓锛岃嚜宸辨妧涓嶅浜猴紝閬傜敇鎷滀笅椋庯紝涓嶆暍瀵硅嚜宸扁?鏄庣爜鏍囦环鈥濓紝鎵句釜涔板鑽夎崏鍗栧嚭銆?For some units out of the unequal agreements entered into with eyes closed, serious risks to future work.
World-weary psychological. These students thought radical, trendy, always put "cool", did not go out looking for work, low wages and there too badly treated here, one that is their job to the boss, do not say you can not find the money owed was also down a bunch of money.

False psychology. Fake degree, fake certificates, fake honor, etc. are not knocking on the door of employment straw, can not fake after all long, but only harm their reputation, destroy their future.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gates forecast: computer input will be "words rather than hands"

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates recently forecast that "words rather than hands," will become the development trend of computer input.

23, according to U.S. media reports, Gates Carnegie - Mellon University, a speech, said that the role of the computer keyboard will gradually reduce in the future when people use computers will no longer enter text via keyboard, but with a voice to enter text.

Gates said: "This (with voice input text) is that we (Microsoft) is one of the goals and work hard." He believes that in the next 5 years, Internet search will be more accomplished by voice. Earlier, he had expressed similar views on many occasions.

Speech Technology in the spring will be temporary

After many years of accumulated technology, voice technology, the spring is approaching.

Speech recognition and synthesis technologies, including. Recognition refers to computer analysis of human voice and convert to text entered into the computer, replace the keyboard in order to achieve the technology to speak. Corresponds with the speech recognition computer text into speech synthesis technology.

After years of basic research, speech technology is now the key to a breakthrough in the moment.

The face of potentially huge market, the global high-tech companies have to voice technologies as contested. Chinese Chinese voice unit standard, Team Leader, vice president of USTC Telecommunications white fly strong interview, said that Google set up "1-800-goog-411" voice search services; Microsoft spent 800 million U.S. dollars acquisition the voice technology company TellMe; our domestic advanced speech technology company has been the large-scale application of speech technology.

Of course, the spring of voice technology to meet a lot of difficulties still to overcome, such as voice recognition can distinguish different tone so the same sentence. However, emerging technologies to go through a process of continuous improvement, improved steam engine was brought about by several large-scale industrialization, the fundamental advantages of voice technology doomed it will bring a new era.

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This audio software suite includes 10 smooth-in-use and handy applications for audio processing! Record audio, burn and create audio and MP3 CDs, rip and exact-copy audio discs, mix your own music, create your own ringtones with various effects and upload it then, record iRadio, convert audio.

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- Set a soundtrack as a ringtone before the movie is released!
- With AVS Music Mix being creative and original is outstandingly easy!

Software supports all major audio file formats: WAV, PCM, MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, M4A, AMR and others.

Recommand Link:

Movavi Video Tools Suite Platinum

PROFESSIONAL Youtube Deconde

Vacations MPG TO DVD

Guide E-Mail TOOLS

Evaluate Chat And Instant Messaging

Free FLV Player

SoundTaxi Platinum Pro New

Ever MP3 M3U Audio to DVD-Audio Editing

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Monday, June 7, 2010

AlltoDVD DVD to Youtube

AlltoDVD DVD to Youtube is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats to Youtube video, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, AlltoDVD DVD to Youtube lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and Youtube Video, Google video, Myspace Video. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

AAC to BlackBerry Studio

Vacations iPhone Converter

LasVegas YouTube to iPod

Lists Games CARD

All Video SOLUTION Value Pack

CD Mobile Phone to Music

Astrology Or Biorhythms Or Mystic Specialist

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Monday, May 31, 2010

dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter gold new

Are you looking for a smart DVD to MP4 Converter or DVD to iPod Converter? Do you want the tool to be very compatible, very quick speed, and with very excellent output video quality? Here it is, dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter. The best DVD to iPod Converter is ready for downloading now.

dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter features the highest DVD converting speed, the best output video quality, and fully tested on hundreds of different DVD-ROMs and DVD Movie discs that makes it qualified for strict compatibility standards.

According to our testing, dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter runs very smoothly on all tested DVD-ROMs including the worst one and the best one. And dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter extracts perfect video from hundreds of DVD Movie discs from the most popular movies to those rarely known to most people.

dvdXsoft DVD to iPod Converter enables you to different video options including MP4 video codec Xvid and H264, a rich list of different resolutions, video bitrates, video frame rates, audio bitrates, audio frequency, etc.

Why choose dvdXSoft DVD to iPod Converter?

Convert DVD to MP4 video for Apple iPod or Sony PSP
Support MP4 codec Xvid or H264
The highest converting speed
The best output video quality
Compatible with all DVD drive and DVD disc
More features ...

Recommand Link:

Genealogy Reviews

Ever DVD-Audio AMR MP3 to M3U Cloner

PQ DVD to iPod VIDEO Suite Build 1000

Youtube To SWF Deluxe

Ipodelite DVD To Zune Converter


ValeSoft DVD Copy

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Digital CD-R Audio ID3 to OGG Copying

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Youtube to PS3 Shareware

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Bluesea DVD Cloner

Youtube Movie to H264 Suite

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Youtube FLV to VCD NOW

Youtube to Wii Today

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AlltoDVD XVID Converter

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Christmas-Idea Flash to PSP Google Video


Bluesea DVD-Audio M4A MPC to RA Editing

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Youtube Movie to Laptops Online

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Youtube to AVI Shareware

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Transport Stream To Adobe Flash Program

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Open AVI to FLV

Open AVI to FLV is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats to Youtube video, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, Open AVI to FLV lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and Youtube Video, Google video, Myspace Video. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

Convert Asf File To Mpeg

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ImTOO DVD to PSP Suite

* ImTOO DVD to PSP Suite is a discount suite that consists of two professional PSP conversion tools: ImTOO DVD to PSP Converter and ImTOO PSP Video Converter.

--- ImTOO DVD to PSP Converter converts DVD movies to PSP supported mp4, m4a and mp3 files directly.
--- ImTOO PSP Video Converter converts various video and audio files to PSP supported files easily and fast.
--- And the PSP Video Manager has been added into the software that helps you transfer files directly to your PSP player.

* Features:

1. The discount suite saves $13 for you!
2. So easy to use that only a few clicks are enough.
3. Fast enough in speed -It supports multi-threading CPU and batch conversion thus the more files you convert within one time, the faster speed it offers than other ones.
4. ImTOO PSP Video Converter offers the Wizard mode guiding the beginners? whole conversion and the Advanced mode with variable settings for the experienced. No matter you are a veteran or a beginner, you will find the software is developed for you!
5. Preview is supported and they can convert any clip or segment.
6. Output settings are all adjustable
7. Encoders and decoders are built-in and you can convert all supported formats once downloading the software.
8. It offers excellent output quality and you will get any supported output formats with super image and luxuriant sound quality.
9. Support Windows Vista RTM.
10. The profile of "PSP AVC Video(480x272)(*.mp4)" is added

* ImTOO Software Studio is one of the pioneers in DVD, video and audio software development.We endeavor to develop most easy-to-use, steady and detail-focused software products.


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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ipodelite DVD To iPod Converter

Ipodelite DVD to iPod Converter is a new good software for converting DVD movie to iPod. It has more faster converting speed and more better quality of video and audio. You can convert almost all kinds of DVD movies to iPod video format. Ipodelite DVD to iPod is an easy-to-use DVD to iPod converter software. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to iPod MPEG-4, MP4 format with excellent quality and super fast converting speed. Ipodelite DVD to iPod offers a higher level of customization as it allows you to convert DVD by custom file size, rip DVD's any segment, supports select target subtitle and audio track, and so on.

Recommand Link:

Mxf To Transport Stream Converter Download

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Youtube Movie to SWF Software

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Free CD to MP3 Converter

Free CD to MP3 Converter is an easy to use CD ripper that allows you to extract audio files from a CD and convert them to MP3, Wav, Ogg, or Wma format. It can automatically retrieve title information from the CDDB database or rename the CD tracks title and remember them, normalize the output files and supports additional LAME options. You can also use the software to record to MP3 with your microphone, or to convert WAV files to MP3, Ogg, or Wma format. Easy to use interface that allows you to rip tracks of your Audio CD just by several clicks. It also can clear the play list of RealOne Player and Windows Media Player and support ID3 tag edit.

Recommand Link:

what are mxf Videos

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Youtube to AVI Software

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

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